Biblio Entry Summary for Halichoeres sazimai
اقتباس Simon, T., H.T. Pinheiro, R.L. Moura, A. Carvalho-Filho, L.A. Rocha, A.S. Martins, E. Mazzei, R.B. Francini-Filho, G.M. Amado-Filho and J.-C. Joyeux, 2016, Mesophotic fishes of the Abrolhos Shelf, the largest reef ecosystem in the South Atlantic.. J. Fish Biol. 89:990-1001.
مرجع 126840 Simon, T., H.T. Pinheiro, R.L. Moura, A. Carvalho-Filho, L.A. Rocha, A.S. Martins, E. Mazzei, R.B. Francini-Filho, G.M. Amado-Filho and J.-C. Joyeux, 2016
صفحة 994;tab.1
Named Used as Valid Halichoeres sazimai
المنطقة المجاورة
التوزيع SW Atlantic: Abrolhos Shelf; 70m.
العودة الي البحث
التعليقات و التصحيح