Biblio Entry Summary for Caenotropus labyrinthicus
Citation Giarrizzo, T., R.R. de Sena Oliveira, M.C. Andrade, A.P. Gonçalves, T.A.P. Barbosa, A.R. Martins, D.K. Marques, J.L.B. dos Santos, R. de P., da S. Frois, T.P.O. de Albuquerque, A. Montag, M. Camargo and L.M. de Sousa, 2015, Length-weight and length-length relationships for 135 fish species from the Xingu River (Amazon basin, Brazil).. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 31:514-424.
Ref. 111518 Giarrizzo, T., R.R. de Sena Oliveira, M.C. Andrade, A.P. Gonçalves, T.A.P. Barbosa, A.R. Martins, D.K. Marques, J.L.B. dos Santos, R. de P., da S. Frois, T.P.O. de Albuquerque, A. Montag, M. Camargo and L.M. de Sousa, 2015
Page 417
Named Used as Valid Caenotropus labyrinthicus
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