Abundance Information for Gasterosteus aculeatus
Main Ref.
Country Russian Federation Ecosystem Barents Sea
Locality Barents Sea Depth
Introduced Year Intro.
Life Stage not specified unsexed
Quantitative 2.6 Unit number
Semi Quantitative <100 Unit number
Qualitative rare
Year 1998 - 2006 Period 1975-2000
Date 01/10/98 - 31/12/06 Record Type fishery
Record Type fishery
Seasonal yes Method catch per unit effort
Remarks Data provided is mean catch per 1 hour tow based on data from the Russian autumn-winter survey in October-December 1998-2006.
(e.g. 9948)
(e.g. oophagy)
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.05.99, php script by rolavides, 2/4/2008 ,  last modified by vagbay, 06/22/2022