Abundance Information for Eucinostomus dowii
Land Mexico Ecosysteem
Lokaliteit Bahia de la Paz (Central-A Group) Diepte
Geïntroduceerd Year Intro.
Levensfase larvae unsexed
Quantitative 0.06 Eenheid numbers/m3
Semi Quantitative <100 Eenheid numbers/m3
Qualitative rare
Jaar 1997 - 1997 Periode 1975-2000
Datum 03/07/97 - 06/07/97 Record Type field sample
Record Type field sample
Seasonal no Methode volumetric
Opmerkingen Area sampled (9 stations) is located mainly in the middle of the bay. The most dominant species.
(bv. 9948)
( bv. cephalopods )
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