Abundance Information for Mustelus mustelus
ประเทศ England and Wales (UK) ระบบนิเวศ Atlantic Ocean
ถิ่นที่อยู่ R2 - east coast between Winterton & North Foreland Depth
แนะนำ Year Intro.
ระยะของช่วงชีวิต not specified mixed
Quantitative 0.001 Unit numbers/km2
Semi Quantitative <100 Unit numbers/km2
Qualitative rare
ปี 1973 - 1995 ระยะเวลา 1950-1974
วัน 01/09/73 - 30/09/95 Record Type survey
Record Type survey
Seasonal yes วิธีการ swept area
ข้อสังเกต Area surveyed includes the estuarine area of the rivers Thames, Orwell and Stour. In 1973 and 1979, the east coast was sampled thoroughly. The 1974 sampling only included the south coast. From 1981-1995, both east and south coasts were sampled annualy during September. Data provided are the mean catch during the period. Two types of fishing gears were used during the survey (2m beam trawl and 1.5m push net), both used fine mesh nets with codend liner of 4 mm knotless mesh, a light chain footrope and three tickler chains stretched loosely between shoes. The push net was operated in areas between 0-1m depth while the beam trawl was deployed from a small boat in water up to 20m deep, moving at approximately 1 knot or 35 min per minute.
(เช่น 9948)
(เช่น oophagy)
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