Software Support

The Ecopath software, i.e., both the DOS version (2.2+) and the Windows versions is planned to be maintained and supported for a number of years.

The present software is copyrighted but not copy-protected. You may freely copy and distribute the program and the documentation as long as it is not done commercially. Please inform us when you copy the software to anyone, or if you received it from someone else. This will enable you to be registered (free of charge) as a user, and thus to be informed of new developments, bugs, etc. You are encouraged to register by contacting us at ICLARM. We also invite you to send brief descriptions of your ecosystem models to us, possibly as submissions for publication in Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly. We look forward to fruitful interactions with you.

Ecopath cannot be guaranteed to be free of bugs. However, all known bugs have been removed, or flagged. Please consult the readme.txt files for updates. Should you encounter problems or have questions, please do not hesitate to write or send a fax to ICLARM. E-mail:

We are committed to help users with their applications. Therefore is you need assistance with your ecosystem model, or you would like us to comment, please do write.

If possible please send your data file(s) on a diskette or by e-mail as this will facilitate examination of your model. Your data file will not be used, or distributed before you have published your model. 

Villy Christensen and Daniel Pauly